
for solo guitar (1978)

Duration: ca 10 minutes

Notes from the recording:

Landscape was written in 1978 and consists of 11 short segments. The first and last are fixed but the inner nine can be played in any order, introducing an aleatory element into the work.

At the beginning of the piece, there is an instruction to produce sounds like a biwa, a Japanese short-necked lute similar to the Chinese pyiba. This work has always been a favorite of mine and seems a perfect complement to this verse by the Chinese poet Juan Chi (210-63):

Being sleepless at midnight,

I rise to play the lute.

The moon is visible through the curtains

And a gentle breeze sways the cords of my robe.

A lonely wild goose cries in the wilderness

And is echoed by a bird in the woods.

As it circles, it gazes

At me, alone, imbued with sadness.

“..beautiful control of color…a terrific CD, well played and well recorded.”

Larry Lake, CBC Radio

For more information or to purchase this recording, please visit: